
and sometimes I forget how good I have it.

I have met some of the most influential people over the past couple months, some I already knew and became closer with and others I didn't know until recently. I believe my friends are my friends because we grew close through experiences and share similar interests. This doesn't mean that I couldn't become close with another group of people but granted these are my friends because at this point in my life; these are the people sent to me so that we can pull through our crazy hectic high school years together.
This weekend was just another reminder of how good I have it. Friday night was spent with a del run at midnight, brownies, long talks with an old friend, mall run, and a huge reminder that these girls will always be here for me no matter what.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way about my weekend! I realized that my life is pretty amazing and I don't really know what I did to deserve it (or the people in it).

    Including you.
