
People Are Real Good At Texting Things , But 95% Of Won't Say It In Person.

Monday already? let's go back to the weekend please


and sometimes I forget how good I have it.

I have met some of the most influential people over the past couple months, some I already knew and became closer with and others I didn't know until recently. I believe my friends are my friends because we grew close through experiences and share similar interests. This doesn't mean that I couldn't become close with another group of people but granted these are my friends because at this point in my life; these are the people sent to me so that we can pull through our crazy hectic high school years together.
This weekend was just another reminder of how good I have it. Friday night was spent with a del run at midnight, brownies, long talks with an old friend, mall run, and a huge reminder that these girls will always be here for me no matter what.

it is brilliant because it's real.


be loved but never love. attach but never combine. trip but never fall. to be broken is better than to be shattered. tell him of your strength but never your past. be trustworthy but never trust. be cracked but never opened.
i'm still here because i've got nothing else to do. you're different, but i'm getting used to you.
pieces and parts were always easier to process. the full picture, the entire story, was another thing entirely. but you just never knew - sometimes, people could surprise you
every since i met you it hasn't been the same,
all you've got me doing is drawing hearts around your name.

baseball is hot.

this is what winter does to you...

....it makes you go crazy and it lies to you.
because it looks warm outside because the sun is shining. False. You walk outside and it's bitter.
I hate it.
If you want summer.


Slight obsession

One day I will have a wall with chalk board paint that I can write all over.


and sometimes I feel like things are happening too fast. That one moment I will wake up and realize this was all a dream. That we don't even know each other, that this is merely my imagination playing tricks on me...

half of the troubles in this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly & not saying no soon enough.

04. What I ate today.

My menu of food I have consumed is definitely something most would not like to hear plus I haven't eaten anything since last night at midnight when I was craving oreos and peanut butter while watching Mean Girls. It's the strangest thing but I can go all day with out eating and around midnight when cramming to get everything done before I'm completely exhausted, I eat like it's nobody's business.
Healthy? definitely not.
Good thing I enjoy running.


classy ads, constantly. Coach you never fail to impress me..

03. Once upon a time ago two people fell in love. It's time to talk about the rents.

The Father: Raul Garces
Occupation: worrying about me also keeping me in line

Once upon a time I wanted to be a hairstylist, my dad talked me out of that one quick. Nothing against hairstylists but I'm glad he did. A 7 year old isn't happy about having their father talk them out of their 'dream' job that but looking back on it, he's a wise man. I'm motivated by his example to work hard. It makes me want to push harder and do the best I can. He's taught me to want to serve and look out for others. He's taught me to rely on the gospel. It's not always by words that I learn from him, it's his actions. Sometimes we don't agree but that's life. Everything is not always perfect, we are all trying our best. I could tell you all that I get along with my parents 100% of the time but hey I don't, most of us don't. Sometimes with this whole blog thing people tend to make themselves glamorous and make it look like everything is perfect but sometimes they just aren't. It's life. We all do the best we can and God helps out with the rest. We all have strong aspects though, my dad said once that we compare our weaknesses to others strengths. Then we tend to look at how bad we are doing and are hard on ourselves when in reality we all have strong points and some weaker spots, it's just how we are. This man is witty. He's good at keeping his cool. He follows the Red Sox in baseball, BYU for college football and the Jazz in NBA. If you happen to come over, I guarantee that ESPN will be on the tv. He is one of the smartest people I know. Sometime he's quite. His love is unconditional.

Her name: Steffanie Garces aka. Mamma G
Occupation: embarrassing me

This woman is hilarious. She steals my clothes more than my sister does and it drives me crazy but I still love her. She fancy's herself with carmel hot chocolate from Starbucks. She is the taxi driver and constantly running kids 50 different places. She is the best cook and the best advice giver. She's kind and nurturing. I didn't realize how much love a mom has for her child until a couple of months ago. She told me that she cried when I went into surgery because she was worried for me. She was by my side throughout the whole process. When you get older you start to realize how much your mother has done for you. Shes my number one supporter. We drive each other crazy sometimes but in reality she's just looking out for me. She cares more than I even can comprehend. She's fun-loving and easy going.

And these two fell in love...

They are pretty good at holding the fort down and coping with the craziness we cause.


If either of these men strike your fancy..

There lived two babes, Joshua James and Benton Paul, and if I could write songs as good as they could I might just have everyone worship me but I can't. These men are lyrical geniuses. Looking for something good to listen to, look them up and you will fall in love. Actually even better go see them in concert this weekend and they will make your heart swoon and you will feel like a giddy 13 year old again. Or if you just happen to want to stalk me this weekend, you can find me at either of their concerts more information can be found here and here.

02-Be be your love

My first love...I don't know if I have ever fallen in love. I've heard countless stories and a lot of my friends claim to be in love. For the longest time I didn't believe them, I was cynical toward the whole situation. We are too young to be in love but I've realized it doesn't have to do deal with age. It is the level of maturity that you have to care for someone else more than yourself. It is about sacrificing everything you have to make the other person happy. And then I realized I was wrong, maybe they are in love and maybe I shouldn't be judging their feelings.
I can't tell you what love is like, I just can't. But I do know this is always what I have felt like love should be, "I don't want to be somebody's crush. If somebody likes me, I want them to like me for me, not what they think I am. And I don't want them to carry it around inside. I want them to be able to do whatever they want around me. And if they do something I don't like, I'll tell them." the perks of being a wallflower
Lately I believe that when two awkward people meet the awkwardness cancels out.
Simple texts make my heart beat really fast and I fancy the late night phone calls we have. I find myself smiling for no particular reason lately. I like that he loves his mom and wants to go on a mission.
Right now I adore a boy with my entire heart.


her life.

her name: Elizabeth Garces
Birthday: July 11,1994
Occupation: surviving high school student
Future plans: fall madly in love and go to college.
She has a collage on her wall.
and she is constantly moving her room around. A weird obsession of hers. She could live off of Reese's and Coke and be just fine.
When she's frustrated and scared she goes for a run.
She is learning not to judge and expect the unexpected.
She loves sports and knows more about them than most boys.
She isn't always loud and usually keeps to her self.
She loves this crazy family she's apart of. She used to be a ballerina.
She love panties and sweatshirts.
Her ideal sleep schedule would be going to bed at 2 and sleeping till noon.
Shes changed a lot these past months.
She loves going to the temple.
She's in like with a boy.
His name happens to show up in her notebooks sometimes.
She loves cupcakes, high wasted skirts and knit tights.
Photo booths make her heart swoon and she has kept every fashion magazine she has ever received.
She loves concerts and COD.
She has the best friends any one could ever ask for.

Big fan of these kids.
She loves her sister more than she can even express in words.
She procrastinates like nobody's business.
She's loves her Savior.
She loves long talks late at night.
Scary movies make her paranoid.
She's always cold.
And she's learning to let people in.

this is love

lack of creativity

For the lack of creativity I have within myself, I'm stealing this just as half of the blogging world has. I know I'm a little late but here is goes.

Day 01 – Introduce yourself with pictures and words
Day 02 – Your first love

Day 03 – Your parents

Day 04 – What you ate today 

Day 05 – Your definition of love

Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend

Day 08 – A moment

Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today 

Day 11 – Your siblings

Day 12 – What’s in your bag

Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory

Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret

Day 20 – This month

Day 21 – Another moment

Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better

Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place

Day 28 – Something that you miss

Day 29 – Your aspirations

Day 30 – One last moment


current state of heart

old Vogue issues make my heart swoon.

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not caring."


everyone has a story to tell.
This week my best friend Sarah and I have been watching documentaries on some of our favorite bands learning the stories behind their songs and the emotional and psychical trails that they have gone through that have eventually lead them to write some of the most heartfelt and intriguing lyrics. Lyrics that make you want stay up all night and just think about each word trying to figure out what was going through their mind when they wrote something so brilliant.
I started to think that everyone has a story to tell...He is We couldn't have said it better, but the interesting thing about each of our stories is how people portray them. Some tell everyone who will listen to them, some through art such as music, lyrics, dancing, poems, some on blogs, some in journals, some just being themselves and some don't tell their story at all. Maybe it is because they are scared and can't let people in when it comes to pouring their souls into other people who may just leave and run away at any moment. Maybe it's because they are too busy running away from life, they don't have time to let anyone know what their deepest fears and greatest accomplishments are. I dare you to find a personal way to tell your own story.